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Tienes pensado sacar el juego en el idioma español?

(1 edit)

I plan to add other languages to the game, but I'm not sure when.

G00gle Translate
Planeo agregar otros idiomas al juego, pero no estoy seguro de cuándo.


Hey, can you make an Android version for the game?


It seems unlikely, the game uses systems that Android don't support and very early test builds the game crashes. There is always a possibility that I can get it to work on Android, but its always seem more and more unlikely.


It may sound strange and complicated, but what if you redesigned the game in a way that Android can support? I know this request doesn't seem very possible, but have you ever tried it?


If the funding and support I get on my game really has grown and its likely that I would hire someone to help me in trying to port the game to android. But support and funding is to low for me to look into that possibility.


I think you should make more clear, what people will get, if they give you money here.

The expected outcome would be to buy the early access version. But from what I could read about your plans, you will have to create a separate project to release the game here on Itch. Some people might not quite understand, that they did not buy the early access version that will get updates, but rather gave you support money only.

The term subscribing is ambigous. It could mean following. That is a subscription, since your followers will get notifications. What you wanted to tell is "to support the game's development without subscribing on Subscribestar/Elsewhere". In big bold letters that leave no room for thinking a purchase of this project will grant the full game later on.

(1 edit) (+3)

I kind of did this. I gave three dollars thinking it would give me access to an early build, but I only paid towards the demo versions.

I do think the game is interesting, though, and I am looking forward to the full release.

(1 edit) (+2)

Sorry for the delay response, I'll look into this and try to update the information soon.


What Softwares were used to create this game?


Unreal Engine 4

when the game out for steam


I am not sure. The core game is getting close to finished, but things like the Art/Animation, sound effects, Voice Work, etc. are being done by different people I hired, and funding/support affects how much they can do per month.

Will not open, says 'failed to open descriptor file'

I'm not sure, but maybe this forum may have the answer to the issue your having.


What happened to the previous Yui voice actor btw? I noticed the voice for the main heroine changed.

The previous voice audio was mostly used as a placeholder.

Ah, fair enough, I was just curious, was all. I enjoyed the sounds of the previous one's grunts when hopping, but yeah, either way, the game is good, a little tricky at times, but still a fun experience overall!

any chance the full game will be available for Mac ever?

I do plan on looking into porting the game to Mac, reason I haven't yet is because I need a Mac in order to port the game. As of now I've been told the demo is fully playable on Mac through Wineskin.

awesome ill def try it out. excited for it to come to Mac eventually 

Please, make mini-game (crawling through tunnel) more easy. I just not be on time do it, so fast it is. 

I'll see if can do more adjusting on it, if anything I can look into adding an option to not fail or allowing to skip the mini-game with a penalty.

So, when you release new version with this updates? 

Can't say, other works I have to and I have to see if its something am able to add.

(1 edit)

Hello. I am playing the latest Demo and maybe I am doing something wrong, but I am stuck quite at the beginning already.

I make Yuri jump to the right, making her way through several rooms. At the last room, she presses a button so a door opens. Almost simultaneously she falls in a trap. After solving the trap, she reappears in the same room, but the door is closed again. If Yuri pushes the button again, she falls in the trap again, etc.

There is no way to avoid this loop: Yuri opens the door, Yuri falls in trap, Yuri reappears in the room but the door is closed, Yuri opens the door again, she falls in the trap, etc.

Is there something wrong with the Demo, or am I missing something important? I am playing in Windows, not in Steam.

My guess is that you actually did not solve the trap, as in you keep failing the Punishment Mini-Game which results in Yui getting Wraptured which is a Game Over and your just Loading a Checkpoint which is set before you pressed the Button and Open the Door.

During the Punishment Mini-Game by default you should see the input [A] or [D] on the left or right side of the screen. Press that correct input when it appears. Do it correctly enough times and you should see You've Endured The Punishment and you be able to continue.

If this is not the issue, then my only other guess is you have a corrupted game file and need to redownload the file.

Your guess is correct. My computer is a quite old one and the latency prevents fulfilling the challenges. I managed to try in a faster one and problem is gone.

Nice game, by the way.

Ah the game is made using Unreal Engine 4, maybe I'll fine tricks to really get the game running on much older hardware, but no guarantees.

No worries. My computer is some 9 years old anyway, so I should get a new one.

Thanks for your answers

(2 edits)

I just played the latest demo, the gameplay feels more polished than the previous iterations. I'm interested to follow further development and want to offer some feedback that might be of use.

First off, the UI:
The current UI might be just a placeholder, but I want to express my opinion on the current UI nonetheless.

The UI overall should have a more natural readability. Currently all the important information is locked to the corner of the screen. But since you will be focusing on the character in the middle of the screen, it can be a bit distracting having to look to the corner to check the information.

Let's start with the stamina. It needs to be more visually apparent what the current state of the stamina is. A stamina bar underneath or next to the character (maybe similar to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) could help. Just a stamina bar in general would make the information much more readable than percentages.

I like that it is displayed how many of the sanity collectibles are still missing compared to what you currently have. Here it would also be useful if the display would be more in the center of the screen, either at the top or the bottom.

Same with the timer, It would be much more apparent if it were more in the center of the screen. As of now, I rarely even noticed how much time was left, which loses you the part of giving you a sense of urgency.

Also the markings for turning the camera. Maybe put the arrows pointing to the left or the right underneath the character to make it more apparent when this featuer can be used. Otherwise it might be confusing to understand when you are able to use this feature.

The mini-map was fine where it is in my opinion.

Overall feel of the gameplay:

The first thing that seemed somewhat redundant to me was the stamina system. You never had a situation where it really mattered as it regenerated rather quickly and didn't really deplete that much in the first place.
It wasn't until the chase scene, at the end, where it's implementation really added a lot to the desperate escape. You had to be careful and take small rest while being chased, this made the chase way more thrilling.
The game overall needs more such moments, situations where managing your stamina should be crucial.

A thing that comes to mind might be that if the stamina is fully depleted the player experiences a small state of exhaustion were movement is slowed down and jumping becomes impossible. So the player would be punished for depleting stamina too carelessly.
Faster stamina depletion and faster generation would make the stamina a more interesting gameplay component.
Maybe it could be more interactive, like crouching increasing the stamina generation, so you'd have to manage it more actively.

the problem stamina currently faces is, that it seems obsolete in the puzzle sections, but very good for the chase sequences. It will be hard to balance it so it feels just right for both of these things.
The mechanic could become too interupting for the puzzle sections if it depletes frequently, but also too boring if it doesn't really do anything of notice.
Maybe stamina should only be applied when it could be important. For example, having no stamina meter in just puzzle/walking rooms and only coming into play when active threats like enemies/traps are present.

Next I want to talk about the sanity orb collectibles:
I overall enjoy the implemantation of collecting these and getting a reward in the form of the memories at certain points.
But I don't really like that you lose some when you make a mistake.
The problem is, that if you make one misstep you might lose a big chunk of your collection without any way to get them back but to restart the entire level.
I get that they add replayability to a level, so that you might want to replay the level and try to keep enough of them to unlock a special scene and I'm not entirely against it, as it can add an extra challenge to a level. But I had some moments were the process of trying to collect new orbs lost me more than I got in the end and it can feel a bit frustrating sometimes.

This brings me to the current defeat mechanic.
The punishment mini-game is fun and well implemented in my opinion. the differences between the scenes, depending on the trap/enemy you got caught by, kept them fresh and interesting. 
Maybe making the mini-game itself different depending on the punishment could make it even more enticing, than every punishment mini-game being the same button presses. 
Implementing more different button presses than just left and right to the punishment-mini-games could make them more interesting in the long run.
I really liked the visuals and the randomness of the rope-trap mini-game for example, it was very well visually presented what you had to press.
I would like something similar for the punishment mini-games, making the button presses more unpridictable. Maybe also bringing different buttons and correct timing into play. correctly timing pressing jump or crouch in some mini-game would be an example.

The negative side for me was always respawning at the beginning of the room when you got caught. Sometimes you just make a bad move right at the end of a room and it brings you all the way back to the beginning, it can be a bit frustrating. Maybe something like a life mechanic could give a small buffer to that? Like enduring a punishment correctly only loses you some life but resets you where you were and losing the punishment loses you more life and only when the life is depleted you are send back to the entrance of the room. This could also include not losing you sanity orbs when you still have life remaining and would be a bit more forgiving over all for the player.

Overall the movement feels good. I like the moveset of just hopping, jumping or crouching. It is supposed to feel a bit restrictive and it does it in just the right amount in my opinion. My one complaint would be that if you hold down the button to walk when in front of a retractable wall, you don't automatically keep moving when it retracts and you have to let go of the button and press it again. You get used to it after a while, but it would be more convenient if you kept moving after it retracts.

I'm really pleased with the visual design so far the different art and the hieroglyphs look really nice and give a good athmosphere.
A small problem was that some rooms could be a bit confusing if they had multiple doorways. With every wall looking the same it can be hard to remember which way you came from and where you had to go after you rotated the camera a few times. Maybe the different doorways or walls could be a bit more visually distinct in such rooms.

I was very surprised to hear the entire Demo being voiced. The voice acting was very fitting for the most part, but some lines can seem a bit off. It was mainly Yui the protagonist, that had some dialogue that seemed a bit to casual or relaxed for the situation she was in. She should sound a bit more distressed in my opinion.

Thank you for reading my feedback this far. I just want to thank you for creating such an interesting game, I very much appreciate it and look forward to future updates.
I hope my criticism doesn't come off as too harsh or demanding. I don't want to tell you what you should do, it's your game and only your decisions that should count. I just wanted to offer my perspective on how I see certain things. I personally don't have any expierience in game development, so I can't imagine how hard it is to develop a game, but I wish you the best for the future development and for other future projects.

Have a nice day!

Hello sorry for the late response to your comment. Cause it was very long I needed some time to listen to it with Text-To-Speech software.

Anyway, I wanted to say I greatly appreciate your feedback on the game and some of them are valid issues that I'll be looking into as I continue the development of the game. There are no guarantees of course and there are some things that I cannot change due to coding and design reasons, but again, I will try my best to improve the game based on the good feedback I get from players like yourself.

okay, I’m confused or the game was built to attract attention with the mild nudity and then have the player grind through.

Usually a sex game with unique mechanics will have anticipation and payoff that incorporates the setting surrounding the sexual pay off.
But this is a straight up platformer. I did like the platformer part but was disappointed on the sexy part.
It, to me, feels as if you guised it with some nudity so that people play this game for the original intention you made it with.

Better if you do in fact have some pay off. Look at Hailey’s Treasure Adventure,, callous company, tentacles thrive. Both incorporate their game mechanics and the build and pay off and this in fact makes the game more fun to play.

There is a ton of potential, no need to shy away from the sexy bits


I see a lot of potential here, and quite a few scenes were pretty hot (something you'd want out of game like this lol)

However, I felt the overall game difficulty and player "punishments" are overall far too harsh and really took away from enjoyment of the game. It's too easy to get caught up in punishments at times I feel, especially with the wax dolls. Sometimes the leap doesn't always work right, which makes tighter timing movements a real pain to do. And the vent ropes causing a punishment after only one mistake feels a bit harsh. Overall, having to constantly deal with somewhat hard to manage punishment events that can reset a lot of progress made the game feel much more frustrating than fun. The scenes quickly started to lose their enjoyment factor after sitting through them so many times.

If you care what only what commenter has to say, I would say try to tone down the difficulty a bit, or give options. With how incredibly easy it is to game over, I would recommend either making each room it's own checkpoint, or giving us an option to move faster for an increased energy cost to get through the parts we've potentially already walked through half a dozen times. There's a lotta really good ideas, but I personally felt that the overall difficulty felt too oppressive, and even unfair at times.

This was fun!

Thanks, I see you played a very early version of the Early Access build compared to the recent released version


I wonder if there will be a mobile version


If not, then that sucks

So far its unsure if there will be a Mobile port, the game uses some systems that Mobile don't support.

(1 edit)

Why am I only just seeing this game now, need to give a try, looking at some comments elsewhere many say its a tad hard, time will tell

This game charged me twice how do I fix that

If your got charged for the same version of the build, then that might be something you need to discuss with Itch directly.

(4 edits)

I am loving the demo! For a future demo (or in the full game), I think it would be cool if there were a gallery in the main menu that depicts all of the punishment scenes one accumulates as they play the game. 

Have you played Mira Co. Rescue? There's an item in that (lewd) game that allows the player to view all of the scenes that the player collects from the enemies, bosses, and puzzles; it even allows one to view the game over scenes, even if the player didn't lose. Something like that would be wicked!

With that being said, this is really looking great, and I am looking forward to the proper demo; October can't arrive sooner!

Happy you liking the game, a gallery is planned for the full game.

Also I am friends with the developer of Mira Co. Rescue

Yeah, I am looking forward to more! 

Oh, really, that's cool about being friends with the creator of Mira Co. Rescue. I beat it for the first time two weeks ago or so, and coincidentally enough, my favorite part was the desert/tomb part, which is reminiscent of this game in terms of its setting.

I played the v0.3 for a while, I think the art is pretty good, just need to make the gameplay better, learn from other ero dungeon games like 'ero dungeon' and 'kinky dungeon'.

Not sure what you want me to learn from those 2 games, sense both games are completely different games to what Wrapturous Adventure is.

(1 edit) (+1)

I mean "lost is fun" is done by apply small incremental negative change to player, but not completely revert the progress to check point. I think this can apply regardless of game's type.

The difficulty is OK, just don't pull back too much on fail.

I think the tutorial world (first scene) is too hard, very easy to push out of way and fail. That is OK if can continue immediately with some punishment status or put on some ero equipments, but instead the game will start over from recent check point, which make it cost much longer time without anything changes.

(1 edit)

Its a little debate on the games difficulty. So far I gotten feedback saying the difficulty is just fine, got some that said it to easy, and others saying its the Dark Souls of BDSM Games. I think I got more saying it Easy or Fair over hard so can't say I'll change it.


Hello! I have just finished playing the latest demo and I am very into the direction this game is taking. If I may ask two things;

The song during the chase level was very nice sounding and I would like to know if it's available to listen to anywhere outside of the game as of now.

Also, with all the lovely visuals like when you get snagged by ropes underneath the floor and struggle, or various getting caught screens, I'd like to ask if there's plans in the future for the option to have these visuals and animations to stay on screen or continue infinitely until the player responds? Just would be nice to appreciate them at my own pace.

But yeah lovely work, been checking in on this game since 2022 and it's wonderful with all the ideas it's brought in.

Thanks, don't think the chase theme is available right now, but might be in the future.


Fair enough, looking forward to hearing it again in game too.


SFW only.... nope...


Next Demo that I'll be releasing soon will be fully uncensored




Is there an estimate to when the full game will be released?

(1 edit) (+1)

Sadly no, I will say that the main coding is pretty much done, but still lots of work to be done with Audio and Visuals, and that is strongly effected by the games funding and support.

is there a full version anywhere? id like to buy it if possible.

The full game is not completed yet, still lots of work to be done on it. You can Wishlist the game on Steam or Fallow on Itch so when the game is released you will know

awsome. when  tried the demo out i loved it. so i went to buy the game. not knowing it was not even finished yet lmao, i was not able to try the other part of the game as all i could do was rescue 2 of the girls. reguardless. i loved it inside and out

Hello! Would you think making android version of this game? Thanks!

you can only play sfw even when you bought it?


Oh the payment is just an optional thing, it doesn't unlock anything.

Anyway the next Demo that features the first level to the game will release completely uncensored.

(1 edit)

Just wanted to let you know that this game (at least the demo) 100% works on mac through Wineskin. (Which is free and very easy to use.)

Also, I think movement would feel better if when you tried to move into a wall you aren't facing, you rotated to face it.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep this in mind if people ask if they can play the game on a Mac.

Also do you mean if player tries to have the character move in a direction that is blocked the character will face the direction?

i tried it id doesnt work when i dowload it its just usless files 

Will you make this game available on Android? I really wanna play this game 

Sorry for the late replay, its hard to say the game uses some systems that are not supported on Android. So not sure what steps I need to take to try and get the game working on Android.

When i downloaded and booted it up it froze at the prologue so i tried deleting the file to redownload it now its still forzen and i cant close it

Strange first time hearing this issue, is your PC decently powerful enough to play Unreal Engine games?

Yes. i wasable to fix it. My roomate propably tripped over a cord or something

(1 edit) (+4)

Plaese release free uncensored version soon

Good game can’t wait for the steam release 


Will this game also release on or just on Steam? I am asking because in Germany i can't access the Steam version thanks to our shitty government. You might want to look into this if you want sales from Germany and China. (Other publishers usually by-pass this on Steam by releasing a censored version + off-site R18 patch.)

(1 edit)

Hard to say if it will release on Itch cause I heard some R18 Games got denied that ability. I do plan to try and release the game on more stores then just Steam and I am in the debate about releasing the game in SFW mode with NSFW mode require an off-site download. So don't have a full answer but I am planning to find ways to make the game available for sale in places like Germany.


Thanks a lot, would be a shame to miss out on this game because of stupid regulations.

(1 edit)

I would say make a rank on Patreon where we get a steam key because of this problem. That is the best way for those in germany to get the game on steam. Make the Patreon rank for example the same price as the steam price! Would get you also more then on steam because of the 30% you pay to steam. But im honestly not sure how you get steam key's for your game is something i should read in to my self. :D

This solution wouldn't work. You can't redeem a Steam key if the product is blocked in your country.

(1 edit)

You can i did so with carnal instinct. But yeah it would be cool if we would get the entire game via a Patreon level. Is probably also easier!

Why does it need admin rights to launch? No-Go right of the start ....

(1 edit)

Not sure why that is a thing, the game runs right from the start every time I test the game and never had anyone else report that they needed admin rights to launch the game. Are you playing on Windows or Linux?

He has his security settings too low if its asking for that

I am running it on windows using the itch launcher. might be that it tries to install some additional stuff? are there any dependencies?

No, just download the Zip File unpack the folder and just double-click the Exe file and the game should play.


Man i was browsing my pc and find the 1.4v of this game, man that was almost a year ago, and now the game looks SO different.

But still, this is a AWESOME game

Does this game possess futa on female content or just raw yuri?

Just Raw Yuri


why are there no nsfw versions?


There is a NSFW version on the games Patreon/SubscribeStar


Just finished this demo, absolutely amazing, this shows so much potential!

hey, Igave the .sh file the "executable" tag but it won't open?

Is this a Linux thing? I'm still new with Linux, so not sure what your talking about.

Mydude8968, try 'bash ' in the terminal console.


I think the demo had spanking in it. Does this? 

Think your referring to the prototype build that used placeholder models and I think I did a spank image in that one. Currently no spank artpiece in this current demo

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